Tuesday, 4 June 2013

21 day juice detox - day 8

I rediscovered an old passion today - tap dancing! I did this as a child and loved it, and took it up again as an adult years ago but moved house away from the dance school I attended and so the lessons stopped. I found out that there is a local dance school in Horsham who provide children's and adults dance classes, and so went along for my first tap dancing lesson for years. I think I did rather well actually considering that it was the first time in ages! I really enjoyed it too. Can't wait until next week.

No new juices today, in the morning before my dance class I had the orange and wheatgrass juice from day 6, except this time I added in some grapefruit juice as well. It was delicious.

Then in the evening I had spinachade from day 1, one of my favourites. If you only try one juice from this blog, (and I sincerely hope you try out a few of the recipes), go for this one, it's delicious, you'll be really surprised.

I started a new yoga class today. Previously I was just teaching one class a week on a Tuesday evening, which was a mix between hatha and vinyasa flow yoga. Now I am doing vinyasa flow yoga on Monday evenings and classical hatha yoga on Tuesday evenings. I hope my students like the changes and get to try out both styles.

When I got back from yoga I had a miso broth, mmmm...salty and warming and grounding.

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic blog, love purple power and spinachade .
