Saturday, 1 June 2013

21 day juice detox - day 6

You know how you start doing something and get so involved you end up losing track of time? That happened to me today. I started at 12.30 just looking for my tap shoes in the shed and ended up tidying, rearranging, and then back in the house unpacking (we moved house recently), tidying etc. The next time I looked at the time it was 6pm! Luckily I had made myself a juice before I started, and had a full water bottle by my side.

My morning juice was orange and wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is the richest source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is like the blood of plants, and interestingly it has an extremely similar structure to hemin, the part of haemoglobin in the blood that carries oxygen around the body. So drinking this amazing substance is almost like having a blood transfusion, it purifies and oxygenates the blood so much. It also helps to heal, deodorise, alkalise and detoxify the body, chelates heavy metals and on a spiritual level, raises Kundalini energy. A serving of wheatgrass juice is usually 1oz or approx 30ml. It is very strong and potent, and has a very strong flavour. You can either take it straight as a shot or mix it in with other juice. I took a picture of my wheatgrass tray after juicing enough to make a 1oz serving so you can get an idea:

 And here is what 1oz looks like:

So by mixing the wheatgrass juice with other juices, the strong flavour is softened. I usually use orange juice because it has a strong flavour, but you could try grapefruit, pineapple, apple, or mix it in with your green juice recipe.

Orange and wheatgrass juice recipe:
500ml (1 pint) freshly squeezed orange juice
30ml (1oz) wheatgrass juice

Mix together and enjoy. 

I get my wheatgrass kits from Goodness Direct.

Another delicious and nutritious liquid you can enjoy whilst on a juice detox is goji berry water. This is different from blending the gojis into your juice, because then you would be consuming some solids as well. For goji water, you simply soak about 1/4 cup organic goji berries in a glass of water for 12-24 hours. Strain off the liquid (which will have turned a deep red colour) and give the berries to your kids or family. Then savour the delicious sweet nutritious liquid yourself. I give the gojis to Max, who gobbles them down in about 10 seconds flat, he loves them.

As if I hadn't had enough chlorophyll for today, I opted for a very green drink for my evening juice. I said yesterday that I was feeling a little hungry, and although today I had my psyllium drink, the feeling came back. So perhaps I have had too much fruit juice over the last few days, and if that is the case, then green juices are the way to go. The juice that follows is quite a strong green juice, it's basically a liquid salad. I added a few apples to soften the flavours slightly, but the rest of the ingredients are all green vegetables. It even has a salad dressing mixed in!

Liquid salad recipe:
1 dark green lettuce
1/2 cucumber
1/2 bunch celery
1 green pepper
Handful parsley
Handful dill
2-4 apples
Chunk fresh ginger
Juice of 2 limes
1 dessert spoon of Braggs liquid aminoes or tamari

Run everything through the juicer, sandwiching leafy greens between the apples, celery & cucumber. Mix in the lime juice and Braggs/tamari. Add a dash of cayenne or paprika if you like. Sip slowly and enjoy feeding your body with the best fuel ever!

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

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