Thursday, 30 May 2013

21 day juice detox - day 4

Went to my friend Kirsty's house today to look after her little boy, Ralphy while she went to an appointment. Max and Ralphy were born within three weeks of each other and have been best friends ever since. So I made a massive serving of juice to take with me and share, and to make sure I'd have enough for the day.

I was sooo excited the other day in the supermarket when I found myself face to face with organic watermelons! A very rare sight indeed, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen organic watermelons in the shops before! Melons are important to buy organic as they store pesticides and chemicals quite a lot. Watermelon is great for a detox, especially when the rind is juiced as well. It is a diuretic and very high in alkaline fluid helping to neutralise acids and flush toxins out of the system. I had to pause and appreciate the beautiful colours and form of this amazing fruit.

The juice I made with it was watermelon, cucumber, spinach & lime. I used the whole melon and a whole cucumber so there was tons of juice. If you'd like to try out this recipe (and I recommend you do, it's delicious) you may want to half the quantities.

Watermelon, cucumber, spinach & lime juice recipe:
1 watermelon
1 cucumber
1 large bag (350g) spinach
Juice of 2 limes

Juice everything, sandwiching spinach between chunks of cucumber and melon. Mix with the lime juice in the jug. This made three flasks and two glasses worth, enough for my whole days quota.

Another detox tool I'd like to share today is the ancient Ayurvedic technique of tongue scraping (Jihwa Prakshalana). I know, I know it sounds disgusting, but it is much better to remove the toxins and bacteria than let them get reabsorbed, which is also quite gross. When you fast, your tongue and teeth can get a coating and the tongue scraper helps you to remove this, speeding up detoxification and helping to keep your mouth clean. 

When I got home from Kirsty's I had a lovely swim and sauna. We are very fortunate to have access to a communal indoor swimming pool and sauna complex which is shared between the four houses on our little estate. Regular exercise is really important during a detox as it speeds up the circulatory and lymphatic systems which helps to move toxins out of the system. Having a sauna or steam also works in a similar way, except it's the heat which speeds up circulation. Plus with heat treatment you sweat, which is a great way to release toxic and waste substances from the body via the skin. Just make sure you shower afterwards to wash it all away!

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

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