Monday, 27 May 2013

21 day juice detox - day 1

Here we are, day one of my detoxification experience. I'd like to let you know before we begin that I am using the Philips whole fruit juicer. A reasonably priced centrifugal juicer. It is easy to use, easy to clean, easy to assemble. Masticating juicers are better at extracting more juice and are gentler on the juice keeping more nutrients intact, plus they can do wheatgrass, but are also much more expensive, and as I have just had to shell out for a new food processor as mine broke in my recent house move, I've had to stick with my Philips for now. I will upgrade soon, but using the Philips shows you that you don't actually need to invest in expensive equipment straight away if you can't afford to. My juicer is available on Amazon for £50 at the moment:

Just to clarify, before starting a detox or fast like this it is important to allow the body to transition into the period of not receiving solid food. So previous to today I have had a whole week of nothing but raw food (my Raw lifestyle Retreat 20-24 May), and over the weekend I took only smoothies, fruits, salads and nut milks. It is also a nice thing to include the well strained nut milk for the first day or two if you are embarking on a longer fast like mine, to help your body prepare, and then again on the way out of the fast, to get your body used to receiving fats and high doses of proteins again. You must make sure they are very well strained with no pulp at all, and the same with your juices. Even small amounts of solids like having bits of pulp in your drink will stimulate the digestive system and make you feel hungrier.

So this morning, day one, I had a beautiful nut milk made from almonds, brazils, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and a couple of dates for sweetness and flavour. I made it quite thin, that is, diluted with quite a lot of water. 

Nut milk recipe:
1/4 cup mixed almonds, brazils, sunflower and pumpkin seeds - soaked 8 hours or more
2 dates
4 cups pure water

Blend until bits look quite small, then strain into a jug through a nut milk bag, or if you don't have one, a clean pop sock or stocking will do the job, or some muslin cloth. Store in a screw top bottle or jar in the fridge, will only last 2 days max so get drinking!

I got my nut milk bag from Amazon, they are quite cheap:

To point out before we get on to the juice recipes themselves, it is very important when doing a detoxification fast of this kind that the produce you use is organic, as if you consume unorganic when you are detoxing, you will be undoing all the hard work your body is achieving, just piling the chemicals and toxins back in. 

My next meal was spinachade...yes spinachade! It is delicious and actually tastes of old fashioned lemonade but is bright green, chlorophyll rich, sugar free, alive and full of raw nutrition! 

Spinachade recipe:
8 apples
1 lemon (organic unwaxed)
1 bag (200g) spinach

Put an apple in the juicer followed by a handful of spinach and then another apple. Juice the lemon with the rind on, easier to do if cut in half and sandwiched in with the spinach. You'll have enough for a couple of big glasses so drink one and put the rest into a flask and store in the fridge. Fresh juice will keep for a day if stored in this way, especially if you are able to fill the flask right up to the top and screw the lid on so that some juice flows over the side. This ensures there is no air in the flask to speed up oxidation which is what spoils the juice. This juice also has lemon, which acts as a natural preservative.

Ok, you're probably getting tired of reading this, so I'll end with my last juice of the day, my beetroot zinger. Also want to say quickly that I also take organic herbal teas on my juice detox, making sure I only have teas which are caffeine free, so none that contain black, green or white tea, only herbal infusions.

Beetroot Zinger recipe:
4 beetroots
8 apples
8 carrots
½ bag (100g) spinach
1 lime (organic unwaxed)
Chunk fresh ginger

Juice beetroots and carrots, then sandwich handfuls of spinach between apples, including the ginger and lime cut in half (with rind). Again you'll have enough for a couple of glasses. 

So that's it for now, early night ready for a great day juicing tomorrow!

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

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