Throughout the duration of my detox I will share with you some of the other detoxification methods I use and recommend. One important yet simple and cheap technique is dry body brushing. This is done with a special natural bristle brush over the surfaces of the skin. You can do this every morning before your shower, making sure you always brush towards the heart. The skin is one of the body's most important elimination organs, and by doing this practice you are removing dead skin cells to aid elimination and cell renewal. You are also stimulating the lymphatic system - another important detoxification outlet. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump, so you have to help the lymph fluid through the system into the lymph nodes (which act as filters), by using exercise, massage and body brushing. It also helps to relieve cellulite and uneven skin.
Going into London today to visit my dad so made double of my morning juice to take along with me. A good tip to ensure your juice retains as much nutrition as possible is to chill your flask in the freezer for a while before putting the juice into it, and as I said before, filling it up to the top so that when you put the lid on some juice flows out over the sides. This makes sure that there is no air inside to speed up oxidation. I use Klean Kanteen products for this and my water bottle is by them too. They were the first company to manufacture safe, BPA free, food grade stainless steel drinking bottles and flasks. The insulation they provide is fantastic, meaning your juice stays more nutritious for longer whilst you are out and about, and they are eco-friendly.
I started my day with warm water and lemon as usual, and then I has a psyllium drink. This is simply psyllium husks mixed with a big glass of water. Psyllium is a high mucilage containing plant, along with flax and chia. Mucilage is a fibrous hydrophilic substance, meaning it absorbs many times its weight in water. In the body, psyllium and water form a soft gel, which expands into all the uneven surfaces of your colon dislodging stuck waste matter, helping you to eliminate this properly. Have this drink at least 60 minutes before or after eating/having a juice otherwise you won't be able to assimilate the nutrients from your food/juice properly. Also, remember to have a couple of big glasses of water after your psyllium drink.
Morning juice was purple power juice. Don't be put off by the presence of cabbage in this juice, it actually taste like cherries! Max loved this one. When it was coming out of the juicer the foam was such pretty colours because of the red cabbage, beetroot and carrot, I just had to take a picture to show you!
Purple power juice recipe:
1 bag (750g) carrots
3 beetroots
1/4 red cabbage
12 apples
Chunk fresh ginger
Makes enough for approximately 4 big glasses. Put everything through the juicer, taking a moment to appreciate the colours and the smell, and then slurp and enjoy!
My last juice was a simple green juice made with parsley. Parsley is amazing for detoxification, it is rich in antioxidants, iron, vitamins A, B12, C, K. It boosts the immune and digestive systems, and because of its myristicin content has actually been found to inhibit the growth of tumours and neutralise carcinogens.
Parsley boost juice recipe:
1 bunch celery
1 cucumber
1 bunch parsley
4 apples
Chunk of fresh ginger
Juice of 1 lime
Run everything through the juicer, sandwiching parsley between apples for max juice output. Mix with the lime in the jug.
Wishing you raw health and happiness,
Natalie. x
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