Friday, 31 May 2013

21 day juice detox - day 5

Yay, sunshine! Wow, have I missed you! Lucky boy Max got to play outside three times today! So as I was feeling sunny I decided to make...

Carrot, orange, ginger juice with aloe ferox. I made the carrot, orange and ginger juice from day 2 and added 2 tablespoons of aloe ferox juice in it after straining. Aloe ferox has considerably higher iron and calcium levels than aloe vera, contains no aloin (a substance in the outer part of the leaf of aloe plants, that gets into the vera juice but not the ferox) so consequently does not need to be filtered thus keeping all of the important polysaccharides. It boosts the immune system and is very soothing for the stomach and bowel, the polysaccharides act like a prebiotic and result in an increase of beneficial bacteria, thus aiding assimilation of nutrients. I got mine from

I didn't have my psyllium drink this morning. Because psyllium expands in water, it makes you feel full. And I did notice that I felt a little hungry today, though only towards the end of the day, so I'm not sure if that is connected at all. I'll have it again tomorrow morning and see how I feel. Feeling hungry on a juice fast can be because of a few different reasons. If you have been having too much sweet/fruit juice and not enough green then that can result in feeling hungry (blood sugar levels). Also, if you haven't had enough juice, it can be your body craving nutrition, and its also important to make sure you're drinking enough water to satisfy your thirst (which is very often mistaken for hunger). Also, if you are doing a lot more than usual (like playing out in the garden with a toddler!) or exercise/gardening/shopping etc, that can have an effect on your hunger levels/nutrition needs.

I went into Horsham and was so happy to discover that one of the local charity shops has a vintage section! Alongside yoga, raw food and natural living, vintage clothing is one of my favourite (if a little expensive) passions! The prices were very reasonable, I got a cute little summer dress, a shirt, a jacket and a skirt for £33. Bargain! While I was out I stopped in don't panic I didn't have noodles, I had a deliciously refreshing celery, apple, mint and lime juice. It was so gorgeous, I'm definitely going to try that combo at home. If you haven't been to Waga's before, they juice all their fruit and vegetables there fresh for you, except the orange juice, so I avoided the juices which contained that. Forgot to take a photo though. Next time.

My delivery came today from my local organic produce suppliers, Greener Greens. They deliver to Sussex, Surrey, London, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. They supply local organic and biodynamic produce and they have a weekly box scheme too. Biodynamic is organic but one step further. The farms will create their own ecosystem, using everything (food/waste etc) in their farming. Check out their site here:

Last juice of the day I made with my delicious new produce - Spring in your step juice.

Spring in your step juice recipe:
1 bag (200g) spring greens
1 pineapple
2 apples
1 broccoli stem
3 sticks celery
1/2 cucumber
1/2 pack alfalfa & broccoli sprouts (small handful)

Put through the juicer, sandwiching the greens and sprouts between apples and pineapple chunks. This juice does taste a bit stronger than the others so far, due to the sprout juice, but it is alive with raw enzymes and nutrition, and really does put a spring in your step!

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

Thursday, 30 May 2013

21 day juice detox - day 4

Went to my friend Kirsty's house today to look after her little boy, Ralphy while she went to an appointment. Max and Ralphy were born within three weeks of each other and have been best friends ever since. So I made a massive serving of juice to take with me and share, and to make sure I'd have enough for the day.

I was sooo excited the other day in the supermarket when I found myself face to face with organic watermelons! A very rare sight indeed, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen organic watermelons in the shops before! Melons are important to buy organic as they store pesticides and chemicals quite a lot. Watermelon is great for a detox, especially when the rind is juiced as well. It is a diuretic and very high in alkaline fluid helping to neutralise acids and flush toxins out of the system. I had to pause and appreciate the beautiful colours and form of this amazing fruit.

The juice I made with it was watermelon, cucumber, spinach & lime. I used the whole melon and a whole cucumber so there was tons of juice. If you'd like to try out this recipe (and I recommend you do, it's delicious) you may want to half the quantities.

Watermelon, cucumber, spinach & lime juice recipe:
1 watermelon
1 cucumber
1 large bag (350g) spinach
Juice of 2 limes

Juice everything, sandwiching spinach between chunks of cucumber and melon. Mix with the lime juice in the jug. This made three flasks and two glasses worth, enough for my whole days quota.

Another detox tool I'd like to share today is the ancient Ayurvedic technique of tongue scraping (Jihwa Prakshalana). I know, I know it sounds disgusting, but it is much better to remove the toxins and bacteria than let them get reabsorbed, which is also quite gross. When you fast, your tongue and teeth can get a coating and the tongue scraper helps you to remove this, speeding up detoxification and helping to keep your mouth clean. 

When I got home from Kirsty's I had a lovely swim and sauna. We are very fortunate to have access to a communal indoor swimming pool and sauna complex which is shared between the four houses on our little estate. Regular exercise is really important during a detox as it speeds up the circulatory and lymphatic systems which helps to move toxins out of the system. Having a sauna or steam also works in a similar way, except it's the heat which speeds up circulation. Plus with heat treatment you sweat, which is a great way to release toxic and waste substances from the body via the skin. Just make sure you shower afterwards to wash it all away!

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

21 day juice detox - day 3

I hope you have enjoyed the posts so far. I just wanted to mention that this blog is just for fun and inspiration, I don't recommend you follow along with my detox, unless you are a very seasoned faster and know exactly what you are doing. If you have never fasted before you should only do so under professional guidance, and you should begin with a short fast of 3-7 days tops. I can design you a plan and coach you if you would like to try it, please get in touch via the website for more information.

Throughout the duration of my detox I will share with you some of the other detoxification methods I use and recommend. One important yet simple and cheap technique is dry body brushing. This is done with a special natural bristle brush over the surfaces of the skin. You can do this every morning before your shower, making sure you always brush towards the heart. The skin is one of the body's most important elimination organs, and by doing this practice you are removing dead skin cells to aid elimination and cell renewal. You are also stimulating the lymphatic system - another important detoxification outlet. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump, so you have to help the lymph fluid through the system into the lymph nodes (which act as filters), by using exercise, massage and body brushing. It also helps to relieve cellulite and uneven skin.

Going into London today to visit my dad so made double of my morning juice to take along with me. A good tip to ensure your juice retains as much nutrition as possible is to chill your flask in the freezer for a while before putting the juice into it, and as I said before, filling it up to the top so that when you put the lid on some juice flows out over the sides. This makes sure that there is no air inside to speed up oxidation. I use Klean Kanteen products for this and my water bottle is by them too. They were the first company to manufacture safe, BPA free, food grade stainless steel drinking bottles and flasks. The insulation they provide is fantastic, meaning your juice stays more nutritious for longer whilst you are out and about, and they are eco-friendly.

I started my day with warm water and lemon as usual, and then I has a psyllium drink. This is simply psyllium husks mixed with a big glass of water. Psyllium is a high mucilage containing plant, along with flax and chia. Mucilage is a fibrous hydrophilic substance, meaning it absorbs many times its weight in water. In the body, psyllium and water form a soft gel, which expands into all the uneven surfaces of your colon dislodging stuck waste matter, helping you to eliminate this properly. Have this drink at least 60 minutes before or after eating/having a juice otherwise you won't be able to assimilate the nutrients from your food/juice properly. Also, remember to have a couple of big glasses of water after your psyllium drink.

Morning juice was purple power juice. Don't be put off by the presence of cabbage in this juice, it actually taste like cherries! Max loved this one. When it was coming out of the juicer the foam was such pretty colours because of the red cabbage, beetroot and carrot, I just had to take a picture to show you!

Purple power juice recipe:
1 bag (750g) carrots
3 beetroots
1/4 red cabbage
12 apples
Chunk fresh ginger

Makes enough for approximately 4 big glasses. Put everything through the juicer, taking a moment to appreciate the colours and the smell, and then slurp and enjoy!

My last juice was a simple green juice made with parsley. Parsley is amazing for detoxification, it is rich in antioxidants, iron, vitamins A, B12, C, K. It boosts the immune and digestive systems, and because of its myristicin content has actually been found to inhibit the growth of tumours and neutralise carcinogens.

Parsley boost juice recipe:
1 bunch celery
1 cucumber
1 bunch parsley
4 apples
Chunk of fresh ginger
Juice of 1 lime

Run everything through the juicer, sandwiching parsley between apples for max juice output. Mix with the lime in the jug.

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

21 day juice detox - day 2

Woke up quite early this morning due to my toddler Max, and didn't get to bed as early as I wanted to last night so feeling a bit tired today. Although it's difficult to tell whether its lack of sleep or detox symptoms when you're on a programme like this! Had quite a busy day today and was out a lot so only managed to make two juices, but as I am teaching a yoga class tonight I have made double of my evening juice in case I feel the need for something when I get home later.

I forgot to mention yesterday that apart from a juicer the other equipment it's useful to have are a vegetable peeler, a veggie brush, some sort of natural fruit and vegetable wash if possible (helps to get rid of bugs and impurities), a big glass jug to catch your juice, a nut milk bag to strain your juice (only necessary if you are on a juice detox), and a good flask for juice storage and transportation.

Every morning (whether detoxing or not) I have a cup of warm water with fresh lemon. I highly recommend switching your caffeine fuelled tea or coffee for this wonderful reviving drink. Lemon purifies and freshens the body after sleep, cleanses the liver, boosts the digestive system, and improves the immune system due to its strong anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti microbial properties, thus helping to keep colds and flu at bay. Lemon helps to keep the body in an alkaline state, as it is one of the most alkalising foods we can consume (disease can only occur in an acid environment, therefore keeping the system alkaline is paramount to good health). Its great on a detox as it acts as a natural diuretic, meaning it helps to flush the system through. Other benefits to this wonderfully health giving drink are that it helps to clear skin and improve healing, (due to the high vitamin C content). It also acts as a natural pick me up and elevates your mood as lemon is well known for lifting spirits and is used to treat anxiety and depression, so perfect to start the day with!

My first juice today was a really simple one with just three ingredients; orange, carrot and ginger. So sunny and filled with energy and zing, this juice is really great to have in the morning.

Carrot, orange and ginger juice recipe:
1 bag (750g) carrots, scrubbed or peeled
10 oranges
large chunk fresh ginger, peeled

Juice oranges with a citrus juicer. I use the attachment on my food processor as it's so fast. Juice the carrots and ginger in the juicer and mix together. Strain through a nut milk bag if you are doing a juice detox to remove the pulp, otherwise, just enjoy. 

I then had a lovely tea while I was out, whilst my husband David and Max had lunch. My tea was made with fresh lemon and ginger slices, quite rare to find it made fresh like that in coffee shops/sandwich places. So I was happy about that. And the smell was divine. 

My last juice today was green pear and ginger. I took a picture of the pulp after straining through my nut milk bag just to show you how much solids there actually is when it comes out of the juicer.

And here's the juice, sorry it was quite dark when I took the photo and the flash is quite strong, it's not that bright in real life!

Green pear and ginger juice recipe:
7 pears
1 bunch celery
1 cucumber
1 romaine lettuce
1 chunk ginger, peeled

Juice together, sandwiching the lettuce between pears to get maximum juice. 

And yes, I did have some more when I got home from yoga!

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

Monday, 27 May 2013

21 day juice detox - day 1

Here we are, day one of my detoxification experience. I'd like to let you know before we begin that I am using the Philips whole fruit juicer. A reasonably priced centrifugal juicer. It is easy to use, easy to clean, easy to assemble. Masticating juicers are better at extracting more juice and are gentler on the juice keeping more nutrients intact, plus they can do wheatgrass, but are also much more expensive, and as I have just had to shell out for a new food processor as mine broke in my recent house move, I've had to stick with my Philips for now. I will upgrade soon, but using the Philips shows you that you don't actually need to invest in expensive equipment straight away if you can't afford to. My juicer is available on Amazon for £50 at the moment:

Just to clarify, before starting a detox or fast like this it is important to allow the body to transition into the period of not receiving solid food. So previous to today I have had a whole week of nothing but raw food (my Raw lifestyle Retreat 20-24 May), and over the weekend I took only smoothies, fruits, salads and nut milks. It is also a nice thing to include the well strained nut milk for the first day or two if you are embarking on a longer fast like mine, to help your body prepare, and then again on the way out of the fast, to get your body used to receiving fats and high doses of proteins again. You must make sure they are very well strained with no pulp at all, and the same with your juices. Even small amounts of solids like having bits of pulp in your drink will stimulate the digestive system and make you feel hungrier.

So this morning, day one, I had a beautiful nut milk made from almonds, brazils, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and a couple of dates for sweetness and flavour. I made it quite thin, that is, diluted with quite a lot of water. 

Nut milk recipe:
1/4 cup mixed almonds, brazils, sunflower and pumpkin seeds - soaked 8 hours or more
2 dates
4 cups pure water

Blend until bits look quite small, then strain into a jug through a nut milk bag, or if you don't have one, a clean pop sock or stocking will do the job, or some muslin cloth. Store in a screw top bottle or jar in the fridge, will only last 2 days max so get drinking!

I got my nut milk bag from Amazon, they are quite cheap:

To point out before we get on to the juice recipes themselves, it is very important when doing a detoxification fast of this kind that the produce you use is organic, as if you consume unorganic when you are detoxing, you will be undoing all the hard work your body is achieving, just piling the chemicals and toxins back in. 

My next meal was spinachade...yes spinachade! It is delicious and actually tastes of old fashioned lemonade but is bright green, chlorophyll rich, sugar free, alive and full of raw nutrition! 

Spinachade recipe:
8 apples
1 lemon (organic unwaxed)
1 bag (200g) spinach

Put an apple in the juicer followed by a handful of spinach and then another apple. Juice the lemon with the rind on, easier to do if cut in half and sandwiched in with the spinach. You'll have enough for a couple of big glasses so drink one and put the rest into a flask and store in the fridge. Fresh juice will keep for a day if stored in this way, especially if you are able to fill the flask right up to the top and screw the lid on so that some juice flows over the side. This ensures there is no air in the flask to speed up oxidation which is what spoils the juice. This juice also has lemon, which acts as a natural preservative.

Ok, you're probably getting tired of reading this, so I'll end with my last juice of the day, my beetroot zinger. Also want to say quickly that I also take organic herbal teas on my juice detox, making sure I only have teas which are caffeine free, so none that contain black, green or white tea, only herbal infusions.

Beetroot Zinger recipe:
4 beetroots
8 apples
8 carrots
½ bag (100g) spinach
1 lime (organic unwaxed)
Chunk fresh ginger

Juice beetroots and carrots, then sandwich handfuls of spinach between apples, including the ginger and lime cut in half (with rind). Again you'll have enough for a couple of glasses. 

So that's it for now, early night ready for a great day juicing tomorrow!

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

21 day juice detox introduction

Orange and wheatgrass juice
One of the detoxification methods I teach to my clients is juice cleansing. Sometimes this is referred to as juice fasting, although that is a misnomer as the term fasting only really applies when taking just water or nothing at all. When you do a juice detox you are consuming all the nutrition your body needs, and usually much more, in the form of highly concentrated power elixirs extracted from fresh organic (biodynamic if possible) fruits, vegetables, herbs and sprouts. 

The science behind this ancient form of healing is that when you give your poor over stressed system a break from having to process food and chemicals (food additives, pesticides, hormones, medicine traces etc), it changes from its usual anabolic routine (processing and assimilating food, building cells and tissues), to a catabolic state (detoxifying, cleaning, healing, renewing). This means that it can concentrate solely on cleaning your system, getting rid of toxins, which are stored in fat cells, repairing and healing. 

You may be surprised to know but some pretty serious health conditions have been cured by simply taking a break from solid food for a while, including asthma, allergies, obesity, insomnia, high/low blood pressure, acne, psoriasis, migraines, inflammation, gall stones, arteriosclerosis, and even tumours! The body is a sophisticated machine with the amazing power to heal and regenerate itself, all it needs is to be given a break so it can do so.  Fasting and juice cleansing have been shown to increase life expectancy, health and wellbeing, these techniques put our health directly into our own hands, are free and available to us at any time we wish!

Soooo...I have decided to attempt a 21 day juice cleanse. I have done this type of detox many many times before, but never for that long. I always teach my clients about the importance of listening to your body, and a fast or juice cleanse is definitely a time when this applies, and so I will monitor my progress and see how I get on. If I feel the need to start my transition back to solid food sooner than day 21 (which incidentally is 16th June), then I will do so. Fasting is a time when the ego needs to be left at the door!

I will be posting once a day or every other day, usually in the evening, with my experiences, including the juice recipes with photos, my thoughts and how I am feeling, and I promise to be truthful! I will also include information on other detoxification techniques I am using, suppliers of produce and other products and anything else I think may be of interest. If there is anything else you'd like to know feel free to post a question in the comments box. 

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Hello and welcome

My name is Natalie Heath, The Raw Lifestyle Coach.

I teach people how to live a natural, holistic lifestyle and achieve ultimate health, wellbeing and happiness through eating organic raw vegan food, juicing, practicing yoga and meditation, detoxifying the body and mind, using natural skincare and cleaning products, and many more self help methods and spiritual practices. I teach via one to one coaching, private group sessions at clients homes, public classes and workshops, and my Raw Lifestyle Retreats.

I qualified many years ago as a holistic therapist and loved being able to help people feel better, more balanced and relaxed. A few years later I completed my training in beauty therapy, achieving the Level 3 qualification in Advanced Beauty Techniques. I then went on to study for a diploma in Holistic Skincare Formulation with The School of Holistic Cosmetology. This qualifies me to design, produce and sell my own completely natural organic skincare, bath and body products. I also use my knowledge and experience to teach people how to make their own natural products at home. I have practiced yoga and meditation for most of my adult life and decided it was time to take my practice to the next level by completing my yoga teacher training qualification. For the last 5 years I have been on the raw food path, experimenting with the raw vegan diet and learning as I went along, going through periods of being 100% raw and variations along the scale. I was blessed 2 years ago by giving birth to an amazing little boy, I breastfed him for 18 months and feed him raw and cooked vegan food. I have helped many of my friends and family to introduce more raw foods into their diets and people always seem to love my recipes and ideas, and so last year I completed my raw teacher training qualification with the worlds leading raw food teacher trainer, Karen Knowler.

I feel so blessed that I am able to put all of my training, experience and knowledge together and help people along their own path to health, happiness and inner peace. I have started this blog for that very reason, so I can share my experiences, recipes and practices so that they may serve to help others looking to live a natural, raw lifestyle. Please follow and share if you feel this could benefit you or your friends and family.

Feel free to comment and get in touch if I can be of help in any way or you have any questions. I also have a forum on my site where people can interact and share recipes and ideas and ask me any questions. There is more information about my services, retreats and free recipes on there too. Check it out at

Wishing you raw health and happiness,

Natalie. x